Business English

by Eva
(Czech Republic)

Dear Diana,

First of all I would like to wish you all the best in 2010 in your job and in your personal life as well.

Thank you for this opportunity to learn English very easy by the help of my computer and e-mail. I am very busy in my job and have practically less opportunity to attend English lessons personally.

I will very appreciate it if I will find a business English in your website, too. It is also very useful to read the articles from another participants, it helps me to learn more suitable words in English to lead a conversation with my friends and business partners not only concerning business themes but much more others.

I forgot many words in English because in the last 10 years I am speaking German very often which is slightly similar language.

I am looking forward for learning English with you and wish you a nice day.

Best regards,

Hi Eva,

You are more than welcome. Thank you for your kind letter and I will add your request to my to-do list. I do specialize in business English as well so I hope to add a new area to the site soon.

The problem I have is that I have SO many ideas and not enough time to actually add them to the site. With my job, family and friends etc I don't seem to have much time to dedicate to the site.

This is extremely frustrating but I am searching for a way to dedicate more time to the site. When I was unemployed it was great because I could work on it full time. I bet you don't hear someone be happy about being unemployed much.

Anyway, you will see business English on the site in the future, but I can't say when. :)

Thanks so much and have a great day!

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