Anger Against
the Economic Crisis

by Daniel

I didn't take time few words haven't been able to write for a while, because I hurt my shoulder and elbow in while snowboarding despite three weeks ago.

I want to howl my anger against Wall Street, financial institutions, and all the leaders who have spent our money unscrupulous. Each Everyday in my the newspaper, I read informations about leaders who have taken stocks options or dividends and then the bank was through goes bankrupt!

I believe that the world is going to walk on its head! How I can't understand, at time than how leaders can act on this way.
All around the globe world, people died of famine, diseases or poverty. Where is the morality in that?

I was sad to see when I saw the French president get out for take a luxurious travel in trip to mexique (Mexico??) I believe he that cost a pretty penny!!!!

without doing policy ,I mean my feeling now! I hope that one day the human race will ask who was accountable for counts about all this muddle. Be confident sure, that life will carry on.

Have a good week everyone all!

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