Basic English Lesson

Lesson 5: "Colors" in English

This is a basic English lesson, but a fun one. There are probably many things related to colors that you didn't know.

Let's review this, that, these and those as we practice the colors.

Please describe the photo of the crayons to the right-->

Remember to use the demonstratives (this, that, these and those) and try to use as many colors as possible.

Here is how I described the crayons.

Now, let's do that again but using the demonstrative pronouns as well.

Ok, now for something new!

Look at the picture below. Can you tell me which piece of paper is red? Which one is orange? Can't decide which one is which?

If you can't decide if something is red or orange you can combine the two and say:

The book is a "redy'orange" or "redish orange".

If you add a "y" or "ish" to the end of the color it means it is part that color and then part the 2nd color.

For example: pinky red, greeny brown, purply blue...etc

Is there a difference between pinky red and redy pink?

Yes there is! The first color mentioned it always stronger or more important. So if you say pinky red, the color is more pink than red.

Note: This is everyday usage and should not be used on an exam or test.

Let's test your color knowledge!

What color is the sky?

What color is coal?

What color is snow?

What color is a lemon?

What color is a pumpkin?

What color is a plum or grape?

What color is a grass?

What color is a strawberry?

What color is a baby pig?

What color is Chocolate?

For the answers, go to the bottom of the page and listen to the audio. :)

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Play the audio before reading the answers to improve your listening skills.  Then read along to the answers for this basic English lesson.

The sky is blue.

Coal is black.

Snow is white.

Lemons are yellow.

Pumpkins are orange.

Plums and grapes are purple.

Grass is green.

Strawberries are red.

Baby pigs are pink.

Chocolate is brown.

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