Become a Smart Cookie in 2014!

by Diana Tower
(Huelva, Spain)

Hey Smart Cookies,

With the new year here, many of you probably made the New Year's resolution to "Improve your English".

Although it is a great idea and I know you want to do just that, your goal is setting you up for failure.

You see, "Improving your English" is not a tangible goal. Meaning, you can not see or measure when this goal is achieved.

In order to stay motivated and keep progressing, you need to focus your goals on smaller action steps that can be measured.

So what specific and tangible English learning goal are you going to make for 2014?

Share your new years resolution with us today, by leaving a comment below!


Comments for Become a Smart Cookie in 2014!

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Jan 15, 2014
The big target of the year
by: Nabila

Hello Diana and every body, happy new year and best wishes for every one.
So today I want to share with you my target for this year, I want really make a resolution and take action then start to speak English with people share with people the conversation and speak more and more start to do something new and be surrounded by English language, I know it is no thing for some people learning English but for me it does mean a big thing to leave out my cave, I need also to improve my self confidence and go a head.
Thank you so much Diana to give us this opportunity to speak and share what and how we are thinking it
is very helpful.

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