English Harmony AudioBook

Hi Diana,
First of all, I want to thank you for the information you provide us on this blog. I've read your posts and decided to buy the English Harmony 2.0 System (Downloaded from Robby Kukurs' website).

One of the many reasons why I decided to buy it was the wonderful audiobook you recorded, but I haven't received it, when I downloaded the system. How do I get it? Thank you in advance.


Dear Simone,
Thank you for your kind words and for getting in touch with me. The audiobook is a great gift available to visitors who purchase English Harmony via any of the links on my site.

I do know that Robby has been updating the system and he might be in the process of updating the process for receiving the audio book. (Not all customers get it....only those who visit his site via one of my links do). I would suggest contacting Robby directly and asking about the audiobook. You should have received a link to download it for free.

In any case do not worry. I could send you a link to get the book if all else fails. ;)

Let me know how it goes and if you still need me to send you the audiobook directly. For that I would need your email address.

All the best,

Robby Kukurs is the creator of www.englishharmony.com, a website he created in 2007 to help struggling foreign English speakers gain real English fluency.

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