English Help: 
Top 24 New Years Resolutions to Learn English

"Thank you for all your English help Diana!"

Was last year a good year for you? Did you keep all your promises or "New years Resolutions"? If you answered no, you are not alone. Most people don't keep their resolutions.

BUT...let's make English your goal for this year...and lets try to keep it going for more than a month!! I'm here to give you the help that you need.

So what is your goal? You could say, "I will be bilingual by the end of the year" but is that realistic?

Why not take little bites of the "English Pie"? Make small changes to help yourself learn English slowly but consistantly.

Here are some great "bite sized" ways to get the English Help you need in the New Year

1) Go to the library and take advantage of all the resources there. Books, DVDs, CDs, magazines and all for a low cost for FREE!

2) Start a weekly English movie night. Watch a movie in English with subtitles. Don't be afraid to pause and rewind until you understand it fully.

3) Cook in English. Learn the vocabulary for a particular dish and use the English recipe  Cook with a friend or loved one for a fun way to spend time together.

4) Get a pen pal. Snail mail (normal post) or email. Writing in English regularly is the best way to improve your writing skills.Need to improve your writing and get more online English help?

5) Sign up for a free course on Livemocha.

6) Start my weekly writing lessons, a new one every Wednesday!

7) Listen to your favorite music in English. Print the lyrics

8) Listen to podcasts on learning English or any subject that interests you.

9) Read English newspapers online.

10) Learn something new IN ENGLISH. About a place you want to travel, a hobby or history.

11) Use meetup.com to find groups of English speakers in your area. Go have a drink and practice speaking with real people.

12) Play at www.freerice.com to improve your vocabulary.

13) Get involved in English related forums. Help answer other questions and have your questions answered.

14) Ask questions. Be like a child and ask as many questions as you need to in order to understand others.

15) Don't be afraid to make mistakes. If you make one, just remind yourself that everyone makes mistakes...even native speakers. No one is perfect. Try not to worry about it.

16) Travel and use English as it was meant to be...to communicate with others.

17) Change your computer and cell phone language into English.

18) Sign up for an English word of the day from dictionary.com

19) Try to use a new phrasal verb everyday. Use it naturally and at least 5 times!

20) Narrate your life in your head, in English.

21) Keep a journal in English :)

22) Start my Beginners course to review and learn new expressions and vocabulary. in English

23) Sign up for my free monthly newsletter.

24) Start a new course and use your English everyday.  I highly recommend English Harmony, English Success or any of the courses I review here.

If you incorporate some of these ideas into your daily life (even just one) you will begin to see and feel a difference in your English. When you need English help, just visit this article and try to incorporate another idea into your life. It will make a difference. Trust me.

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