English Prepositions

by Krishanthan

I have problems with English prepositions. For instance, using 'as’. I need to improve my preposition use. So, please give me a solution for my problem (books, website...etc)

Hi Krishanthan,

It took me longer than usual to answer your question because I have written an article about it.

Many people have problems with the prepositions so I thought an entire article was in order. You can visit it here...How to learn English prepositions and what books can help you

I have recommended two great books that I think could help you. I think that the "English Grammar in Use" would be very helpful for studying at home.

How is everyone else learning English Prepositions? Does anyone have any other books that they recommend?

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Have a wonderful day everyone!

- Diana :)

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Comments for English Prepositions

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Sep 16, 2010
Which is a Preposition?
by: roger

What are the prepositions, in this sentence: "Pennies were formerly made of copper".

Hi Rodger,
"of" is a preposition in that sentence.

Penny = noun
Are (were) = verb
Formally = adverb
Made = Verb
of = preposition
Copper = noun

I hope that helps! - Diana

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