Go from a 5 to a 7 on the IELTS EXAM

by Ali

Dear Diana
How are you? I don't know how I can thank you. You help me a lot to enhance my English even though this is the first time I have sent an email to you, I've read your writing for along time.

My question is that I got a 5 on the IELTS exam and I need a 7. So I want to know how I can get it. Thanks

Best regards

Dear Ali,

Thank you for emailing me. Your kind words about my website and newsletter are a great thank you. I like to hear that my work is helping others.

Now, regarding the IELTS exam. I must be upfront with you (honest). I do not know ANYTHING about these exams. I have never prepared a student for them and I do not know the structure of the exam.

So, I went to www.IELTS.org to learn more.

According to the website, "IELTS provides a profile of a candidate’s ability to use English.

Candidates receive scores on a Band Score from 1 (Non User) to 9 (Expert User). Candidates receive a score for each test component – Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. The individual scores are then averaged and rounded to produce an Overall Band Score.

So, with this in mind I need to know what you scored on each individual section of the exam. This will help me know where your strengths and weaknesses are.

You can reply in a comment below to provide me those details Ali.

I also have an idea for you.

Teachers need to learn how to prepare their students for these exams, so I was curious to know how teachers can learn more.

On this site I found a guide for teachers that shows them how to prepare their students.

You can download this free PDF guide here:
Teacher's IELTS Guide

I highly recommend that you read it because it provides a lot of useful tips and information on how the exam is graded and also what to expect.

I have included some screenshot images of that PDF above.

Looking forward to hearing more about your exam marks and helping you reach your goal.

All the best,

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