I know I'm Late, but a Wish Pays Forever

by Zuzka Plihalová
(Czech Republic)

I have only one wish - to speak English. I'm from the Czech republic, 38 (almost 39), I study English for 2 or 3 hours every day. I can say I'm hooked on English.

If I had enough time I'd spend a whole day on my computer studying, but I also have family, two children (17 and 14) a husband and a job (aerobics instructor).

I'm glad that I found your website to help me with my poor English.
Thank you

Hi Zuzka!

I'm glad that you found my website too! For the record though...your English is not poor (that's why I crossed out poor above), bad or anything negative. Your English is growing, getting stronger and improving day by day.

If you are studying 2 hours a day then that is WONDERFUL. Most of my students can't find 2 hours a week to study!

Keep up the great work Zuzka and I know you will continue to get better and better.

All the best,


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Jun 05, 2010
I want to improve my English well
by: NgocDung

This year, I'm a freshman and I have 2 objects that I have to achieve during 4 years in university. The first, I must try to study hard and have a best result.

Secondly, I have to improve my English skills; I want to communicate with everybody in the world. But right now my English is really bad, so I feel so sad. Can you help me? Thanks!!!

Apr 19, 2010
learning english
by: Lum Hkawng

I want to improve my English very much but I can't do it. I don't know what to do or how to do. So, I must require an experienced person to teach it to me. Please help me.
I'd love to help you and the best advice I can give you (to get started) is to do things in English. Read about interesting topics (in English), listen to some of my audio (in English), try to use English everyday and you will notice a difference. It takes time and effort to improve so just keep working hard and you will improve.
Also, look around my website for more help and advice.

Feb 11, 2010
by: danielle

I am impressed with the quality of your English. You have to understand that English can be an easy language to learn as well as a difficult one!
I live in the countryside of Austria and have realised that it is not the amount of time you spend learning it's the motivation associated with learning the language. The students don't have much of a motivation since they are often bashed in by their teachers. In other words, it isn't the effort which is calculated it is the amount of mistakes you make.
So, dear Zuska let me confirm along with Diana that your English is quite good for a self learner.
Have you considered learning Globish?

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