"I" vs "Me" English Grammar
by Daniela
Practical English Usage by Michael Swan
We say: My husband and I went to the movie or Me and my husband went to the movie. Why do we use I in one sentence and me in the other ?
Please help me :)
Hi Daniela,
This is a very common question, the usage of "I" and "me". Many people use them incorrectly, even native speakers, which makes it hard to know how to use them correctly.
Looking at your examples, the first is correct. My husband and I...the second one is not grammatically correct...but many people say it.
Let me explain the difference to you and why the second example is not grammatically correct.
I is the first person singular subject pronoun, which refers to the person performing the action of a verb.
I like to go to the gym every day.
That is the one I need.
Megan and I went to high school together.
Me is an
object pronoun, that refers to the person that the action of a verb is being done to.
My doctor told me not to go to the gym.
The student needed to speak to me.
If you ask me, I think it is a bad idea.
Here are some examples. Should you use I or me?
1) ____ (I/Me) would like a glass of water.
2) Would you like ____ (I/Me) to call your mother?
3) My father and ____ (I/Me) like to go to Tim
Hortons (a coffee shop in Canada).
4) Did you tell ____ (I/Me) to bring your book?
5) Why is he looking at ____ (I/Me) like that?
6) Paco and ____ (I/Me) are getting married in August.
Answers1) I 2) Me 3) I 4) Me 5) Me 6) I
Another thing to note is that in your example you
are talking about two people. Your husband and you.
Here is a trick to know when to use I or Me when you are speaking about two people.
She told Mr.Bauer and ____ (I/Me) to go outside.If you don't know just remove the other person and talk about yourself.
She told ____ (I/Me) to go outside.You know you should use me in this case, so you would use me in the previous case as well.
She told Mr.Bauer and me to go outside.Try these examples:
1) Marissa and ____ (I/Me) go out every Friday night.
2) Angela told Marissa and ____ (I/Me) to meet her outside the post office.
3) Paco and ____ (I/Me) live in a wonderful apartment.
4) Monoli and ____ (I/Me) go to the same gym.
5) Monoli invited Paco and ____ (I/Me) over for dinner.
1) I 2) Me 3) I 4) I 5) Me
I am going to be honest with you Daniela... Sometimes I might say,
Monoli invited Paco and I over for dinner, but that is grammatically incorrect.
I think that is why this point is sometimes difficult to grasp, because you will hear native speakers saying it incorrectly.
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Have a wonderful day!
- Diana :)