I want to know how to write report with correct grammar.

by Dimmy

I got confused when reading the following short article. Usually, the tense within the same sentence should be the same as told by my teacher. Can I use the wording marked in brackets instead ? Thanks a lot for your advice.

Hi Dimmy,
Your working in brackets is perfectly fine. It sounds a bit more formal and removed or distanced from the topic. :)

<--The short article starts from here...

Commissioner of Police Tang King-shing says ( said that ?) there was an error of judgment in the operation against illegal road racing on Kwun Tong Bypass early yesterday morning. He has (removed 'has'?) apologised to drivers and car owners affected by Police actions.

Speaking to reporters at noon today, Mr Tang said Police are now (would be ?) conducting a thorough investigation into the incident and will (would ?) review their operations and procedures.

Condemning people engaged in illegal road racing, the commissioner said their irresponsible acts are (were/ would be ?) hazardous to (the ?) public safety.

--- The short article ends at here.

Comments for I want to know how to write report with correct grammar.

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Feb 05, 2010
by: Anonymous

Good question!

Aug 29, 2009
Nice Article
by: precious

To me, both words are correct you can use "says or said that" but that must be when you're reporting a speech.

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