It's, Its and Its'

by Eva

It's, its and its'...I only know the first one, it is(it's), but I don't know the rest how to use the rest of them. I'd really appreciate it if you could explain the difference and provide a couple of examples. Thanks Ola!

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Nov 07, 2010
It's, Its
by: Anonymous

I'm still confused. "The cat is not happy because the cat's tail is wet."

It's = it is ('s mean written in contraction)right?

Not always. This is Diana. I thought I would help explain this myself. I'm sure Ola will add any comments if she has some.

"Its tail is wet" means the cat's tail is wet. (possesive)

I think you are confused because when we use 's it is possessive.

For example;

Diana's book is big.

Its wheels are new (the car's wheels are big)

__'s , __s , __s' What is the best tip to remember them?

If there is an apostrohy then it is the contraction. If there is no apostrophy it is possessive.

How about two cats or we want to say plural things?

The cats are not happy because its tail are wet.(??)
The cats are not happy because the cats' tail are wet. (??)

In that case you need to make everything plural.

The cats are not happy because their tails are wet.

I hope that helps. - Diana

Nov 06, 2010
"It's" and "its"
by: Ola Zur

Hi Eva,

Here goes:

It's = it is. Example: It is a cat.

Its = belonging to it. Example: The cat is not happy because its tail is wet. This is actually the same as saying: "The cat is not happy because the cat's tail is wet." <

Its' = I don't think there is such a thing. Where did you see it used?

Ola Zur is the editor of, an illustrated guide to English.

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