Learn English & Improve Self-Confidence

by nazani

I don't have self-confidence. I really don't know what I should do. Any thoughts?

All the time I'm thinking my speaking is very bad and I cant speak very well and I think my accent is too bad.

Please show me the best way.
Thank you so much


Dear Nazanin,
You are not alone. Almost all of my students say the same thing as you. They feel their English is bad, that they can't speak well and that their accents are too strong.

Please know that how you feel about your English does influence it.

If you feel disappointed, frustrated and embarrassed then you will probably not speak as much (or as well) as someone who does not mind making mistakes, is kind and patient with their progress and is optimistic.

Please visit the motivation section of this site and more specifically this article: How to Speak English Well.

Wishing you all the best.

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