Business English Video Request

by Lahcene Ouled moussa

Videos to help with business interactions. Dealing with stock brokers and trading can be difficult. English videos to help you learn Business English are a great idea.

I'm Lahcene and I find you very nice on video. You are great and happy.

I'm a buisness man and I would like to learn business English. I already have an account with the Chicago trade. I deal with money market GBP British poounds and dollars. I sell and buy with "Infinity brokerage" It's a very nice season to trade money and I need some language with theme for understanding the trade.

Sometimes I find it difficult because they are very quikcly I have video tuturials for lessons but I need some better videos to learn how to understand them.

I hope you can do what I ask.

Have a nice day!
Best regards,

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Diet for Obese People

by Biljana Raicevic

I am dietitian and I want to immigration to Australia where I would work my job.But I have to learn hard English.
I could work in some medical centres as dietitian.
What mean I want to learn about feed,groceries, diets,etc.
Thanks very much.
sorry on my English.

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Phrases and Idioms

by Amina
(Bosnia and Herzegovina)

This is first time I'm on your site and I don't know have you already done video about phrases. It doesn't have to be video. I want to know some common phrases that are used in English and to explain what they mean.

For example, piece of cake etc. I can't remember any others right now.

I really hope you'll make video or something about this.

Love your site.

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Language and Communication

by Jorge

The role of language in human communication; the way people use language to interact with one another and their environment

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History and Important People in History

by Igal

I would like to learn about the history of inventors. People who change our world to be a better place like Eanshteen, Nouton like dakart and etc any kind of this stuff will be great for me. If you don't have this stuff send me any kind of History and will be greatful for your effort. I belive that I have a lot of mistaks in my writing so sorry for that.

PS: Diana thank you for your emails they were very
useful for me.

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by Oscar
(Alajuela, Costa Rica)

I have watched many movies in English with subtitles and there are many expressions native speakers use a lot which I don't understand.

I'd like you to mention some of the most used idioms or slangs in English.

I know there are fun idioms! =)

Thank you so much!

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English and American Litterature

by Raffaella

I would like a quick review of the English and American litterature, with suggestions on how to approach it, how to choose the books we will read, remembering that our english skills are not excellent yet.

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by Luigi

I'd like to watch something about computing and networking. How it works and its relations with Internet?
Thanks very much!-Luigi

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Short Sentences for Children

by abhi

I would like to have a video on small sentences to teach my son how to speak English.

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Countries & How to Pronounce Them

by Abdelhak Ben Mohamed
(Casablanca, Sidi Moumen Jdid, Morocco)

First of all, I have to say that you have done good work on your website so far and I appreciate it.

I was wondering if you could offer us a video with the countries and the prononciation of each in English. THANKS.

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Interior Designer Conversations in English

by Ghadah

When I need to decorate my home I go to an interior designer. My aim: know how to make a dialog with an interior designer.

This is a great idea! Thanks Ghadah for suggesting it. I will add it to my list and when I start recording videos! - Diana

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Medical Dialogue In English

by Johan Omran

I would like to learn the dialogue between a patient and the doctor because I am very interested in working in the UK. My language is not so good but I want to be able to get work there!

Is there any possibility of sending me special CD containing those dialogue...which I could pay for?

I will be very happy if you can help me!

with my best regards

Hi Johan,

I think this is a great idea. Doctor dialogues would be useful for both you (someone who wants to work in another country) and also people who live in other countries and want to be able to talk to their doctor.

This would take some time to write, record etc but I will be in touch with more details soon.

Does anyone have any specific situations with a doctor that they would like me to include? If you tell me now I will be able to include it in the materials!! :)


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Say and Repeat

by Nabila

Hello Diana, nice to find you in this video and i hope see you in others, you are so kind i hope that you can achieve your dream and make so fun and interesting videos.

So, for me, my big problem is speaking. I want to speak English well. I want to understand native speakers and as I live in England i need English in most situations.

I think for example the idea of recording myself with you saying useful sentences will be very exciting to do and every learner can do the same to improve our pronunciation.

I don t know. I just need to speak good English. Thank you for your help.

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Nature Videos

by mounaque
(Crépy en Valois - FRANCE-)

It would interest me to see a report on the countryside, flowers, animals, tourism, architecture... All sort of thing to please our eyes and with no connection with the current difficulties of the life (unemployment, politic, people...).

Thank you for your great help to listen English and for your kindness.

See you soon !

What a fantastic idea! I am adding it to my list of videos to create and will start the videos soon! This is my favorite suggestion so far! Thanks so much Mounaque! -Diana

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