"Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions.

So what. Get started now.
With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful."
                                                          - Mark Victor Hansen

Mark Victor Hansen has a way with words. I love this quote. It makes me realize how much I "delay" for a better time or when I "have time".

Isn't that silly? Who knows how much "time" I actually have. There is no way to guarantee that we will see another day, but we assume it is true. We take many things for granted until it is too late.

We also try to do everything perfectly and this becomes a great excuse for not progressing. For example, this website.  I want it to be perfect but there is so much I need to add, change and improve that it will never be "perfect". 

When you stop to think about it, perfection shouldn't be the goal.  Instead of trying to achieve perfection, we should focus on enjoying the process of achieving our goal.

Rather than focus on the fact that my website is not "finished" I should focus on the fact that I have created thousands of pages of information and thousands of people worldwide are able to read those pages and find them interesting and useful.

Returning to the quote, I wanted to add a video for you and I chose "perfect" by Alanis Morissette. When you listen to the lyrics it is quite a sad song (about how parents push their children too hard sometimes). No one is perfect...neither are you.

Listen to this song and remind yourself that your English does not need to be perfect. No one is perfect.

Thoughts about this song:  This sounds like what many parents say to their children without even thinking about how it will influence how they think about themselves.  

Always pushing children to be perfect, good, well behaved...this is probably why we strive to be perfect in the first place.

How many times have you told yourself that you would start studying English when __________________? Your blank could be ...

"when you get that a new course", 
"when you have more time", 
"after your holidays" 
or just "later".

Stop trying to wait for the perfect time or moment or else you will be waiting forever. If you want to accomplish something just do it. Ignore the urge to wait for perfection. Perfection does not exist.

Let's see what my friend Travis has to say about Mark Victor Hansen's quote.

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Waiting for perfection 
I perfectly agree what what you have said. Now here is my opinion: since there is no perfect time to do anything, doing it now makes one become self confident, …

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