Speaking about your Dialogues

by Francisco da cunha e Silva Filho
(Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Dear Diana:

It' always a pleasure to receive your material for learning this all important language of the world today.

Sometimes, I think you don't know me. It's more than understandable, you've so many students the world over perhaps that you don't specifically know one by one.

In my case, I've already told you I'm a retired (in terms, of course!)English instrucator and a university professor, as well a literary critic.

However, when you write to me you give me the impression that I'm a simple student beginning to learn English? Why so?

English language, specially the written ability, is so to speak, a second nature to me, as I've been studying it ever since my teen years in high school. Morever, I even taught it in a local university for ten yeas and in Brazilian high school, private and public, for almost forty years.

I even reached the position of top level as an English teacher to Colégio Militar do Rio de Janeiro, a very respected and traditionnal institution that is more than one hundred years old.

This explained, I want to tell you that I don't feel underestimated to brush up my mastery in English as I understand that teachers have to study the subjects or areas of studies all their life long, including doing reseasrches in themes of their particular interest. This is my case.

Therefore, feel at ease sending me interesting materials that can only add to my linguistics background, specially because you're a young and dynamic instructor and are much more updated in terms of offering novelties along idiomatic language uses.

Once again I'm thankful for your kind and usual attention, and I remain at your service.

Sincerely yours,

Francisco da Cunha e Silva Filho
Hi Silva, I am glad that you enjoy the newsletter but also know that I write the newsletter for everyone (not for one specific person). That is why I write the newsletter at a more "beginner" level, so that more people can benefit from it. With over 3000 subscribers I try to make it useful to everyone.

I'm glad that you find it useful and look forward to more newsletters. I will keep them coming. :)


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