The Difference Between "Other", "Another" and "Others"
by Ika
"I'd like another drink please!"
Hi Diana...thanks alot with for your clear answers.
i will ask you again is another question... what's the differen
ce between OTHER, OTHERS, THE OTHER, and ANOTHER? Please give me a clear explanation...and
the examples in sentences.
Thank you - Ika
Hi Ika, Today I am answering a lot of questions. :) Here is my answer for you.
Other- Refers to something different.
So I answered your
other question.
(The last question was different from this one).
Others- Refers to things that are different when you do not mention the noun.
The others didn't want to go the movie, even though I did.
The other people = the others).
Rather than repeating the objects you can just state others.
-The other clothes were ugly
-The others were ugly
-The other people were watching the movie
-The others were watching the movie
The other I'm not quite sure what you don't understand Ika. It is just the same as "other", with an article "the". So the other couch, the other table, the other object. It speaks about a specific thing that is different.
It is also used in an expression...
On the other hand...speaking about a different perspective
The other day...speaking about a different day.
-It was raining the other day.
Another refers to something that is additional.
-I ate a cookie for dessert and I want
another one (one more).
-I need
another glass of water.
Would you like
another example Ika?
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Have a wonderful day everyone!
- Diana :)
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