The use of "Often"
by Geli
Here is a question regarding the use of "often" and the "subjunctive" in English. What is the correct way to say the following in English?:
- I hope the website will be updated often (my friend's option) Correct!!
I hope the web is oftenly updated (my 2nd choice
I hope the web to be oftenly updated Also incorrectThe problem arise
s, from my point of view, when Spanish people try to express
the subjunctive in English
I'd also like to congratulate you
on your web
site. I think it is really good! I
hope all of us contribute to keep it updated. Thanks in advance for your assistance.
Kind regards,
Dear Geli,
First of all, you are welcome!
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From your question I have to tell you that your friend is correct. We can not say
oftenly because "often" is already a frequency adverb (used for habitual behaviour...).
You could say that
you hope the website is updated frequently (or frequently updated). Frequetly because it doesn't exist.
Thanks for the great question. Also I corrected your use of "wish"...I believe you meant to say "hope".
Visit this article for a clear explination on the differences between "hope" "wait" and "expect".
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