Who verses Whom?
by Krishna
Question: I get confused using who and whom
(we now have to meet someone whom you talked to yesterday). Also, can you explain: at and in? Also I'd like to know what "as to where..." means and how to use it . Thanks
I will explain the difference between "who" and "whom". First of all, "whom" is not usually used in informal English. So when you are in an informal setting you can just forget about whom.
If you want to know who someone spoke to you can ask,
Who did you speak to?If you are in a more formal setting you could ask
Whom did you speak to?Note that is is very common to place the preposition before whom.
With whom did you speak?
Question 2: "At" verses "in"This does not have a simple answer because there are many exceptions but generally speaking:
AT: talks about a position at a point.
-It is very cold at the bottom of the ocean
-Turn left at the next intersection
At also talks about meeting points.
- Lets meet at the restaurant
- Lets eat at the small pizza place.
IN: Refers to a position within a larger area (usually the object is surrounded on all sides).
-I sat in my car for an hour.
-I live in Huelva
-I went for a walk in the park
There are so many other situations that you can use "at" and "in". I am looking in my grammar reference book, Practical English Usage by Michael Swan. It has 3 pages of examples
and other situations which are expressions or exceptions. It is a very detailed and helpful resource.
Question 3: What does "as to where..." mean?When you use the expression "as to where"...it is directly referring to the location or position of something. Usually you talk about something regarding yourself.
I'm going to work here. Then you talk about someone else.
As to where you are going to work...I don't know.I could say, "
-As to where you are going to sleep tonight, I have no idea?
-As to where you are going to live after March, we will see.
-As to where you can work this summer, you'll have to ask your boss.
Does that answer your question? If anyone has anything else to add to this explanation don't hesitate to comment. I'd like these question pages to be a "help and be helped" forum.
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- Diana :)
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