Advice v/s Advise

by Ram

I am often getting confused with the correct use of these two words (advice and advise). Can you give me a simple and powerful example to understand this. Tx. Ram

Hi Ram,

Are you prepared for your simple and powerful example?

When I first started this website I wanted to create an "advice section". So I started to write my pages and was doing a great job.

One day a friend wrote me an email to tell me about a mistake that I had made several times.

In some of my pages I had written advise when I had meant to write advice!!! I went and corrected these mistakes as quickly as I could.

How could I have made that mistake...more than once! How embarrassing! Well, I'm using my embarrassing situation to help you realize two things.

1) This confusion is very common; many native English speakers make the same mistake.

2) How to remember the difference? Here is what I do. When I use the words I say the word aloud.

Advice and advise sound different. Once you attach the correct meaning with the right sound, you will be able to remember which one to use.

Advice sounds like rice and advise sounds like realize.

Advice is something that you give.
You give someone some advice.

Advise is something you do (verb).
You advise someone.

Now here is my advice Ram, I advise you to study the definition, say the words aloud and use them daily. With lots of practice you'll be able to use them perfectly.

When in doubt, think of me.

What advice did I give you?
What did I advise you do?

Have a great day Ram!

- Diana

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Dec 06, 2012
Advice vs. advise
by: Kim

The person who wrote about MS Word bringing up the wrong word is absolutely correct. That is the only reason I looked it up to make sure I was using the correct word. I hate improper English, spelling, grammar, etc. I may not alway speak appropriately, but I believe in writing appropriately. So, when I am unsure I look it up. I never really had a problem with advice and advise until my spell checker made me think I was using the wrong word. I don't always believe the spell checker is correct, either, and if I have any doubt I look it up. You can find the answer to any question you have on the internet. What a powerful tool to assist us in writing proficiently!

P.S. After that writing, I sure hope I wrote everything correctly. Well, I know I always try to do the best possible job I am capable of performing. That's all anyone can ask of me.

Nov 11, 2010
Advice v/s Advise and Microsoft
by: Kevin from Houston

I've never been confused about when to use advice or advise but doubts have occured because every single time I use the word advise, the spell checker in MS Word and Outlook ALWAYS recommends to use advice instead. I always hit ignore and keep on going.

I think that is why we are seeing increased usage of advice when the correct word should be advise is becuase poeple believe their spell checkers must be right.

Just remember folks, software is never smarter than the programer(s) who wrote it.

Sep 11, 2009
advice or advise
by: Anonymous

Hello Diana,

I am really confused about these two words.

When I write an e-mail to someone asking for advice, I do it this way: "Please advise."

Wherein I was asking for his advice. Please help! =(


Hi Mary,

First and foremost...relax. You are using the words correctly, just in a less common way. :)

"To advise" is the verb.

For example, right now I am advising you on how to use these words.

So if you ask someone "please advise" the part that is silent is "me". "Please advise me".

You are telling them to advise you, therefore it is a verb and you are correct. :)
If you ask someone for advice, you are looking for "a piece of advice" or a suggestion (noun).

I need your advice about this problem.

These two words a really frustrating...for me too!

When I am writing quickly, I sometimes mix them up. (Confuse them)

(...but please don't tell anyone...I have a reputation to uphold...oh wait...hundreds of people are going to read this. ooopps! haha)

Does that help you understand?

If not just leave me another comment and I will explain it another way and give you more examples.


Apr 07, 2009
Advice & Advise
by: Ram

Dear Diana,
Your advice is very powerful. Many thanks. I will follow your advice. (Careful Ram, you used advise...but you ment to say advice. You advice (noun) is very powerful. We only use advise when it is refering to the verb. :D)

Apr 06, 2009
Thank you!
by: Shanz


I had the same confusion but you explained it logically.... I liked it :-)


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