British vs American Pronunciation

How do you pronounce (you're) in British English :
yu: or yo:? Also, I watch many American films and always notice that the letter (a) is silent when it comes at the beginning of words such as :assist and appropriate. Could you explain why this is so?

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Jan 24, 2011
Pronunciation Question
by: Charles Becker

Good question!
"You're" is pronounced with an "r" sound by Americans and without and 'r' by British. In British English, the exception to this is when an "r" sound comes before a vowel sound.
For example if British person says "your answer", they will make an exception and use the "r" because "answer" starts with a vowel sound.
The 'a' in words like "assist" and "appropriate" doesn't disappear. It is reduced to the "schwa" /ə/sound. This occurs because in English we usually reduce vowels that fall on unstressed syllables.
The letter "a" in those examples is falling on the unstressed syllable of the word and is therefore reduced to /ə/
-Charles Becker
Accent Reduction Specialist

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