How to Continue to Improve my English?

by Dung
(Viet Nam)

Let me introduce myself. My name is Dung, I'm Vietnamese and I learn English at school. I have learned basic knowledge such as tenses, rewriting the sentence, forms of words and so on. I use it well, I think.

But this year I am learning a higher level.

Of course, it is more difficult. Especially, in READING COMPREHENSION and SPEAKING and LISTENING, I find it quite difficult to understand. I don't know how to improve.

So I always do exercises about it. However, this doesn't bring me any improvement. Could you help me, please?

Best wishes,
Hi Dung,

It's very nice to meet you. It sounds like you have arrived at an intermediate level and are finding it difficult to progress to a higher level.

First let me tell you that this is normal! Almost everyone reaches a point where they start to find it more difficult to improve.

So what can you do?

The best thing to do is to DO!

How long have you been trying to learn at this level? It can take a lot of effort and time to make a difference so if it has only been a week or a month then just keep doing what you are doing.

If you want to improve your reading...READ.
If you want to improve your listening...LISTEN.
If you want to improve your Speaking...SPEAK.
If you want to improve your Writing...WRITE.

Depending on where you live, this will be easy or difficult, but as long as you have the internet then you will be able to find fun and easy ways to improve.

Here are some great resources for you to look at:

My ESL cafe to help you improve your writing.

Learn English with videos (I will be recording my own videos in the near future!!

My best study advice

I hope that helps you Dung.


PS: What does everyone else think?

What else can Dung do to improve?

Have you experienced the same thing?

If you have some additional advice for Dung just post it in a comment below! I'm sure they would appreciate it.

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